My Dear,
I know this proposal letter might be a pleasant surprise to you as we don't know ourselves before. I am from Central African Republic, now seeking asylum in Dakar Senegal. I contacted you as a cause of my serious search for a reliable and trust worthy person that can handle a confidential transaction.
My Late father former owner of a Diamond Mining Company, but was assassinated by the rebels during the recent civil war in my country, and properties destroyed, but I narrowly escaped with some very important documents of (US$4.5Million) Four Point Five Million U.S Dollars deposited by my late father in a high financial company here in Senegal in my names as next of kin.
However, I'm seeking a trust worthy foreign personality like you to help me transfer this money pending when I will come over to your country for us to meet for investment of the money. Furthermore, I only want this to be done this way because your country is politically stable for any profitable investment, and I also want to add here that if accepted by you, you will serve as the original beneficiary of the money.
I feel confidence therefore, to introduce this offer to you, for your participation and all your assistance regarding this transfer, I have decided to give you 20% of the total money immediately the money arrive in your account. Therefore, you are requested to furnish me back immediately you receive this request to transfer this money from Senegal to your country resident account or any account of your interest.
On commencement of this transaction I want to let you understand that the future of myself depends solely on this money. So please keep this business to yourself only to avoid raise eye brow of any third party.
I am eagerly expecting your urgent response.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr David.
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